Free standing leaflet dispenser
If you are looking for a smart and simple way to get information over in a public area then a freestanding display is ideal for the application.
For an unmanned information dispenser an eye catching and simple display with a clear branding area hits the mark.
This framework use rods but the use of cables is also possible and a cost saving too.
On this display we have used a sheet of acrylic with pockets welded onto it, this way the pockets hang vertically gripped at both edges.
You may wish to display info sheets only and this too is possible, we can offer a range of options to add in customization of sizes in display materials.
A presentation display as this will take about 10 to 15 minutes to set up, depending on previous experience of setting up a system such as this.
We make these units up to order which usually takes about 3 days depending on production times.